王文洋隔海爭產 質疑王永慶死亡時間 王文洋隔海爭產 質疑王永慶死亡時間 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAG6wCIwPH8&feature=channel Why 王文洋 must have to do his duty 隔海爭產? Because you can have US Court or any lawful court to do the duty to Freeze (If the dispute no way to settle down reasonably legally withi 部落格n 12 years, then all those disputed blood linked must be killed immediately at that time. That how you are rich and famous, you must not give birth, you are rich and famous, you dare give birth, you have to expect all linked to your birth to die young. All frozen property must moved 系統傢俱out of your government side to become military force hot potato. You own force, you don't do the duty to care your powerless helpless desperate civilians decent free life, you have to deal with those hot potato to make up your previous carel 小型辦公室ess suck.) all "爭產" to force all sucking evil doers liars "Way.Food.Boot.Ren" "Jane.Sun" that linked to those "產" to starve to die legally. That how every Chinese must support 王文洋 to do his righteous duty to help less evil Chinese can have the room to get a 膠原蛋白life. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 台塑爭產風暴 傳三娘下重手反擊http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090902/17/1qb9u.html If that so called 三娘 indeed "娘子" she should "Myan.B.4.Gwall" instead of shamelessly show her shameful face in front 酒店兼職 of the public sight to pollute public ears and eyes; any her kids come to her, she can only tell them to hide instead of hi or high. You dare come to USA to suck, you should have to have the guts to abandon all your sucking gain or gang. You as a Mother figure dare heartless shameless 下重手反擊 to invo 九份民宿lve shameless sucking 爭產風暴, you must "Bay.Dot.Rule.Deed.Loud" to locked. ----------------------------------------------------------- {8月14日,王文洋對記者撂下一句話,「事情就是一步一步來,這是很明顯的正義!」當時他帶著呂安妮,在美國紐澤西現身打官司} [王文洋計畫9月4日要和李登輝到日本參訪] {指王文洋已經成為「台獨金主」} http: 酒店經紀//tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090902/17/1qb9u.html You can demand your Court to Freeze 王文洋 呂安妮 and 李登輝 all bank accounts and property and freeze 王文洋 呂安妮 and 李登輝 "Sin.Dong"(So that to make sure they don't have the room to commit more pattern crimes that sucking liars evil doers abusers used "Yu.公.1.3" "Sheng.Dong.G.C 借貸" "5.Gray.搬運" to force your Court must have to freeze more links that cowardly accept their forceful invited themself how low dare not say no.), because all their money, power, sex, must all robbed or stolen out of 王永慶 爭產. Otherwise, how come that sucking shameless female dressed animal 呂安妮 and "Loud.賊" 李登輝 could have that sucking and shameless "Town.When.Sw 澎湖民宿ay" committed "Chen.Whore.Dot.Jade" "When.Sway.Mold.Yu" seen their Taiwan First Family integrity like nothing. "Loud.賊" 李登輝  should be killed long time ago, do it later better than do nothing, you should kill that "Loud.賊" 李登輝 immediately.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 西服  .

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