Loser When a man cannot stand alone by himself, cannot look another man up to work for him faithfully, cannot be looked up by other man willing to work for him loyally, can only rely on woman to stand in front of him, he has no way to be a good winner, therefore, he has to do all he can to 售屋網be a good loser, in order to be a good loser, he has to make sure he always work in the private section, his boss must always a female old enough to be his mom(His really mom or mom in law is the sinner that brough him or his wife into this ear 燒烤th, therefore, his real mom or mom in law must have no right to order him to do anything; therefore, his mother type boss must always have no kid owned by herself. ), his wife must have to be older than him and within his same birth generation like his si 商務中心ster(Because boy under mom and older sister shield is the natural of young human form, therefore, when he worked for mother type of boss, rely on older sister type wife can compatible to good side.) . He must not commit treason crime to his female boss or his older wi 澎湖民宿fe, that must mean he has to be willing to be fired by his female boss any time, he has to divorce his older wife immediately when he found out that he cannot be good enough to service both his boss and his spouse the same loyalty. Therefore, it is very important for a loser man to 燒烤make sure his mother type boss can get along with his bigger sister type wife better than himself, so that he can have the best chance to be a good loser. Widower must not marry again, if he does, he commit marriage treason crime, he lost the winner he already got, he cannot ke seoep his win (if he can keep his win, if he's his wife's true love, his wife's his true love, they will back to heavely home together; if not, because he's the winner, therefore, he can come again immediately as man's form to have second chance to find his only love.), he cannot c 售屋網ome again. Mother type boss, bigger sister type wife (Because when their relations like mother like daughter, they can really care each other like care themselfs, when there's generation gap, the crime always the older one's fall.) , if she's good, she will sooner or later see our loving True God and wi 信用貸款 lling to stay at her own place to please our loving true God order to pay her time to learn the good lesson sooner or later; if she's evil, she deserves that "強.True.Tall" crime to fall into indefinite nightmare to be haunted endlessly. Why man has to seek to be a good loser, because only a good loser man can come back 賣屋as good woman form when come back again to try the second time, only good woman can have the good sense to be good enough to stay at between, to be a bright star to hang above the sky, to meet her only true love back to heavenly home together. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 591  .

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