SS小燕之夜 20110119 婚姻真的是戀愛的墳墓嗎?! 小燕之夜-20110119-婚姻真的是戀愛的墳墓嗎?!/ SS小燕之夜 20110119 婚姻真 租房子的是戀愛的墳墓嗎?! Part 4 At and after 07:16/11:14 1. Military 結婚西裝member given his life to your nation, therefore, he has no right to care or love his 房屋買賣own kid, that how military member must not afford to have kid, especially must not afford to have daugher. If un 西裝fortunate he has kid, his son must give his life to his nation, his daughter must marry to a military member, if she cannot be good enough t 租辦公室o dare any military to marry her, she must leave alone to starve to die. 2. Your kid, must be your debt, therefore, you can only have right to care your ki 宜蘭民宿d, you cannot afford to love your kid (You know how to read and write English, you cannot read that English Bible to know how a son must leave his parents behind after he got marr 西裝ied, he must be too suck to deserve to have a say in any Western linked issue.) . That how Chinese parents used not ever commit the crime of love on any their own kid that many white parents commit 買房子ted. That how that sucking 艾力克斯 (he has another form as Clearance Thomas/劉文正/孫國慶/陳凱平) not only committed the crime forgetting his good Chinese tradition, but also committed the crime following white liars' 情趣用品s low lower lowest, after he committed the crime to eat powerless forceless desperate tax payers's public fund in USA.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 室內裝潢  .

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